I am a little behind in posting an update. It was nearly 8 months ago that we were in China having our forever family day with Lixia. Here is a brief update about what we've been up to and how things are going:
Lixia loves to drive by and point to the EIU castle. She begged and pleaded to go there and finally got her chance during EIU's Homecoming. She got to meet Billy the Panther and go to her first parade. We visited Tent City and she cheered on the Panthers at her first football game.
We had a special afternoon with Papa Swing and Grandma Barb at Aikman's Wildlife Adventure in Arcola. The highlight was the Wagon Tour where we got up close and personal with the animals and even got to feed them. The zoo is going to seem boring after this special trip.
This was her first Halloween and she enjoyed carving her first pumpkin. Mommy also visited her school for her classroom Halloween party.
By this time, we have gotten our rhythm and routine down. Lixia was loving going to school and making new friends. We enjoyed a visit from special friends and Lixia loved all the extra attention. It's always so great to catch up with Suzann, Alissa, and Emma and Emma was so kind to take some family pics for us.
We visited Santa Claus at the Festival of Trees and enjoyed face painting with Kinsley and Charlie. We also had a great Thanksgiving with family and friends.
Lixia started the month with the Trojet Dance Clinic. She loves to cheer and dance so it was no surprise that she loved it. Even now months later, she randomly starts doing dance moves from the routine she learned.
Lixia had been asking to go on a train ride so we obliged by having lunch with Santa on the Polar Express in Monticello. She asked Santa for a dress because what girl doesn't want a dress?! It was a snowy afternoon and really set the mood for the trip. She was just excited because she got to eat chips in her sack lunch.
Lixia was the star of the Broadway Christian Church Christmas Program. She sang her heart out and was very enthusiastic about her performance. She kept up with the hand motions and was also one of the loudest. Unfortunately, she didn't know most of the words even after weeks of practicing. She could sing Jesus very clearly, but that was about it. Everyone still seemed to enjoy watching it.
Santa Claus found our house for Christmas. She was very excited about him going up and down our chimney. He left Lixia a new bicycle. She was awfully concerned because her bike was too big and she needed a little bike like Kinsley's. A great ending to our 2016 and fun to see how much she has changed in one year.
We started
the year by taking Lixia to her first movie at the theatre. She did
really well.
Due to the
unseasonably warm temperatures, we were able to visit the St. Louis Zoo in
January. She loved visiting all the animals and can't wait to plan
another visit.
celebrated the 100th day of school and enjoyed dressing up as a
"grandma" with all her classmates.
This was our
first year celebrating the Chinese New Year. The holiday fell on
Saturday, January 28th. This was the first day of the Chinese lunar
calendar. CNY 2017 was the year of the Rooster. We celebrated by
making decorations and re-decorating our Christmas Tree, enjoying traditional
Chinese food from the Asian market, and reading a few books about the holiday.
We also went to a special event at the Urbana Free Library.
We ended the
month with Lixia's 10th birthday party. We enjoyed a small party with
close family at home. She enjoyed the special cake [Peppa Pig] that
Grandma Barb made for her, unwrapping gifts, and having everyone sing to her.
This girl isn't shy about being the center of attention.
Lixia and
Baba enjoyed their first daddy-daughter dance at Broadway Christian Church.
They were a beautiful couple and had a great evening. Lixia's
favorite part was going out to eat for "china food" beforehand.
Lixia loves
all things dancing, cheerleading, and gymnastics. So when we have events
that she can participate in, we try to take full advantage. She is so
limber and flexible, we have no doubt that with practice, she will probably
excel. This month she did an EIU cheer clinic and did a beginner
gymnastics class through the Recreation Department.
As the
weather has warmed up, we have spent more and more time outside. She
loves to play bubbles and use sidewalk chalk. She is working on riding
her bicycle but after a couple of falls, she is understandably apprehensive.
She has gotten so much stronger! We did a fun science experiment
where we inflated a balloon by the reaction of vinegar and baking soda.
She has also learned how to play baseball with a wiffle ball and bat.
Her hand-eye coordination has improved so much she learned immediately
and gets tons of hits.
We had
special visitors when Christian and Hailey came over to play. She was
excited about eating pizza, doing puzzles, playing Barbies, and playing Go
Fish. Chris and I were so amazed at how far she has come in interacting
with other kids, playing, and communicating. It was an eye-opener for us.
Especially since it had been several months since she had seen them.
We celebrated
our first Easter. She talked about wearing her special dress to church
for weeks. She enjoyed coloring Easter eggs and seeing which colors could
be combined to make new colors. The Easter Bunny found our house and left
her a basket with some special treats. Since she does not like sweets at
all, the eggs that she found contained coins and she was very excited about
taking them to the bank. We compromised and she added them to her bank at
Mommy got to
attend her first school musical. She was so proud and did some a great
job at singing along and doing the hand motions.
She also got
to attend a birthday party for one of her classmates. It was held at the
Flip Zone. She was very uneasy around the trampoline, but by the end, she
loved it. She practiced walking on the balance beam and can't wait to go
back. She has made some great friends in her class and it was fun to
watch them play together.

Overall, it
is amazing to see how far Lixia has come. She has lost three baby teeth
and has new permanent teeth coming in. She has gained some weight and is
now up to 38 pounds. She has grown in height, advanced a shoe size, and
started to gain muscle strength and fill out. Her hair is growing and
thickening up. She begs to have long hair. She loves to put
together puzzles, build with legos, and play Barbies. Food is still her
love language. She out eats us most days. She is always open to
trying new foods and is such a good eater. She loves to snuggle with
Mommy and Baba. She is absolutely in love with her "sister"
Bessie. Bessie is our dog and if you remember when she visited last
winter, she was absolutely terrified of the dog and screamed bloody murder.
If you have had a recent conversation with her, she probably asked you if
you had a dog, what its name is, if it is big or little, and whether it is inside
or outside. If you asked her dog's name, you likely got the response
"B-E-S-S-I-E." She really likes to spell the words that she
knows. She is doing great in school and above average in her
recognition/reading of sight words. It makes my heart-swell to hear her
read the leveled readers that she brings home. This girl loves math.
Her vocabulary improves everyday and her spoken English continues to get
stronger. Her handwriting is beautiful and she concentrates so hard to
make every letter or number "pretty." Astounding progress for a
girl who had never been to school, had never used a pencil, put together a
puzzle, and whose coloring consisted of scribbling. She loves to sing along to the radio. One of her favorites is Hillary Scott's "Thy Will Be Done." She loves to belt out songs in the car and exclaims, "I know this song." Still working on the concept that songs are made up of words:) This girls loves to sleep. Every Friday night she says "sleep long time" aka let me sleep in.
I'm not sure
how we got so lucky for God to choose us to be her parents, but our lives are
blessed by her presence every minute of every day. She fills our lives
with joy with her smile, orneriness, and sassy personality.