Orphan Hosting

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Day 2 - 12/19

Today was another great day.  We woke sleeping beauty up about 8:00 after she had been sleeping for 12 hours.  She slept in her bed in her room all by herself all night long.  Success!  She does make lots of noises (so I was up about 4 times checking on her) and moves around a lot.  It is a good thing she has a big bed because at one point she was sideways.  We started the morning with scrambled eggs which she helped to stir.  She wanted spaghetti but we opted for later.  She is definitely a girly-girl.  We painted her fingernails and toenails with pink polish and she was thrilled.  She kept saying “Wow.”  We Facetimed Nana so she could show them off.  As I was putting on my makeup, she also wanted some blush and lip gloss.  I also bought a small kid’s purse at a re-sale shop and she has been carrying it around.  We opened the door to the playroom today.  We had delayed it to not over stimulate her.  She immediately went to the Barbies and said mama while pointing to the girl Barbie.  We put together several puzzles and played a little play-doh.  She has also mastered putting shapes into the toddler toy turtle that we have.  We also got out a dry-erase board and she wrote on it for a while trying to copy her name.  We also got to Facetime with Brooke and Kinsley and Kinsley kept signing “More.”  This girl can pack away the food.  Her 11:00 snack was congee but she was ready for spaghetti for lunch at 11:45 and afterwards wanted more congee.  We ventured out of the house for the first time today.  She was adamant that she needed to take her purse with her.  She came with one pair of tennis shoes and we wanted to pick up at least one more pair.  We went to two stores at the Mattoon mall and she did surprisingly (I need a new word; I seem to repeat myself a lot) well.  She picked out anything that was sparkly, shiny, or had bling.  We opted for a dressy pair of black patent leather shoes that she can wear to church and some pink sparkly Velcro shoes for every day.  Both were ones that she indicated she wanted.  I tried for boots but she was not interested in the least.  We did visit Santa while we were at the mall.  She was not scared and did not cry.  We are pretty sure she has no idea who Santa is but we went anyway.  It was a good photo opportunity and as we were leaving she was waving bye and blowing kisses.  She was most excited about the coloring book he gave her and wanted to color as we were driving home (but we had no crayons with us).  When we got home, she did some water color painting.  Dale, Brooke, and Kinsley came over for a visit and girls hit it off right away.  They played Barbies, babies, cheered, colored, hugged, kissed, snacked, etc.  She also was kind to share her headbands with Kinsley so they could both wear one.  We also played Ring Around the Rosy which is one of Kinsley’s favorites.  After 6 or 7 times, she was singing right along with us and she watched Kinsley for what to do at the end.  It was difficult getting these little ones to sit still long enough for a picture.  About 5:00, we headed to Effingham for our first birthday party.  She must have been exhausted after a full day because she slept the whole way.  The party was at K-Bowl and she did GREAT!  She had bacon pizza (minus the pineapple), sprite, and she even got to bowl.  We were there long enough that she even got to cosmic bowl.  She seemed to have fun watching the other kids.  She patiently waited on my lap until it was her turn.  We had a second rendition of Ring Around the Rosy in the car and she fell asleep for the remainder of the trip.  Got home just in time for snack, bathtime and bedtime.  

Loves to "help"

All dressed up and no where to go (notice the purse)


Trying on sparkly shoes

Visiting Santa

Watercolor painting

They look so peaceful and innocent.


Santa's elf

Bacon Pizza

Proud of her bowl

Mimicking what she saw one of the other kids do

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