Orphan Hosting

Tuesday, November 17, 2015


You probably have a million questions about Orphan Hosting floating around in your head.  This is new territory for us too. 

Here are some common questions and answers:

  1. Who are these children? 

Most commonly these are children who are less likely to be adopted.  They are older, may have special needs, or they could be part of a sibling group.  Some live in orphanages.  Some live in foster families in their home country. 

  1. What happens at the end of the 4-5 weeks?

The children must return to their home country.  This is the hard reality.  The children are told they are going to camp/vacation in the U.S.A. to practice their English.  They know it is only temporary. 

  1. Where are the children from?

Children of All Nations offers Orphan Hosting programs in the following countries:  China, Philippines, Latvia, and Ukraine.  There are other agencies that offer similar programs.

  1. When do the children arrive?

Children of All Nations offers hosting programs in the summer, as well as the winter.  Our agency typically hosts 25-30 kids during each program.  For the winter program, we expect our kiddo will be here from mid-December to mid-January. 

  1. Why orphan hosting?

The ultimate goal behind this is to find these children their forever families.  It could be the host family, someone within the host family’s community, or a family on the other side of the U.S.A.  This is a chance to get to know the children prior to taking a leap of faith and completing an adoption.  There is a high success rate.  Nearly 75% of the children hosted end up being adopted.

Of course, if you have additional questions or need more information, please visit 

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