Orphan Hosting

Sunday, November 29, 2015


Much like adoption, this process is not for the faint of heart.  We have learned that we are not in charge.  We know this, but sometimes we forget.  We know this process is in God’s hands. 

So far this process has involved a lot of waiting (patience) and limited information (a leap of faith).  The interview team made their trip to the China orphanages in early June.  We had already completed our application so they went looking for a child that might be a potential fit for our family.

In early August, we were able to review the files of a few children whom they thought could be possibilities for us.  They had one little girl at the top of their list for us.  And although we reviewed the other children’s files, we knew she was the one.  We committed to host her for the Winter Hosting program.  And then we waited…..

As you would expect, we quickly went to work gathering the required components of our checklist.

  • Letters of reference
  • Background checks
  • Home safety visit
  • Training
  • Etc.

They finally closed matching for the program at the end of October.  And in mid-November, we received the finalized travel dates and flight information.  And the waiting game is quickly drawing to a close …. just over two weeks until our girl arrives.


  1. So proud of you for listening to God's whisper to open your home and your hearts to His child, love you!

  2. So proud of you for listening to God's whisper to open your home and your hearts to His child, love you!
